Friday, February 21, 2014

Why wives get furious about porn…

No two women are similar. Even the most accomplished womanizer cannot claim to have an exhaustive knowledge of the female psyche. Still I am taking the risk of making a broad classification of married women based on their reaction about porn.

Type 1: They are the ones who condemn the act of copulation.  They do not like to have sex and they only sleep with their husbands to complete their spousal duty. It’s no wonder that they get furious if and when they catch their husbands treating themselves with porn.

Type 2: They are the possessive ones. They enjoy their time between the sheets and cannot stand the fact that her guy still feels like watching porn when she has already given him the real experience. She takes it as a personal defeat and gets mad at the erring husband. [There is a little bit of this type lurking in all women actually.]

Type 3: They are the ones with a will to explore options. They enjoy watching porn and have their own personal collection. These women like to watch and enact later. They get furious if their men do not share porn time with them.

Type 4: They are the very unfortunate ones who are married to boring men with low libido. These women get furious because they keep hoping that their men would watch porn and learn some new tricks but never ever does that wish come true.

PS: Don't worry if you fail to categorize your woman...told you it is difficult to foray into the dark alleys of her mysterious mind.

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