In any profession there is a clearly defined customer-vendor
relationship. The customer pays and the vendor is supposed to try their best in
satisfying the customer with their product or service.
Have you ever heard of a vendor who accepts the customers’
money, behaves badly with the customer and yet the customer has to feel obliged
that he has been given a service?
Well there are indeed two professions followers of which
believe that they are exempt from this accepted social decorum.
Doctors and teachers.
Many doctor suffers from a repugnant superiority complex and
more often than not talks to you in a condescending tone.
“I don’t have much time…pay attention.”, “Don’t use your
brains…I’m the doctor here”, “You better listen to don’t know much.”
I also suspect that they get some sadistic pleasure when
strike the good food off the diet charts.
And some teachers are even worse. They not only make the
students feel bad but they also feel it is their right to insult the parents.
Every time a teacher asks a parent, “Your ward is faring
very poorly…why?” the parent should immediately answer “I’m paying you to take
care of that and I should be the one asking “why” ”
The logic by which doctors and teachers justify their
rudeness is that they “SAVE” lives.
So non-doctor and non-teacher people are basically ruining
I believe that any person putting in an honest amount of
effort to earn his/her money deserves respect. Why do we have to classify professions
in a hierarchical manner?
Now tell me how would a doctor/teacher feel if a team of
vengeful software engineers decide to set the amount in their bank account to
Yes I agree that there are well mannered doctors and
teachers and in past I have used their help and advice and in future too I
would need that. This post is against the ones who show a certain amount of
high handedness which I find intolerable. I’m just tired of the way our
stratified society behaves and expects people to behave like a lesser mortal
every time they visit a doctor/teacher.