Thursday, October 6, 2011

Other people’s lives

Before I start...let me ask you this...
Are you the type of person who often seeks entertainment in other people’s life?
Answered? Ok...keep the answer to yourself.
I think almost every one has this insurmountable desire to know about other people. The manifestation is however is three fold.

1. Petty gossip: Sit in a group (face-to-face), pick some victim out of the group, dissect and analyze his/her activities with mind numbing clarity and pass judgements. And feel really good after the session. Contrary to popular belief this is not an effeminate quality...(almost) every body indulges in this to some extent.
[People who are confidently nodding their heads and still asserting that they do not like to discuss other people read on...]
2. Books: Do you like to read? Stories? Fiction and non fiction?
Well...plots do not exactly revolve around your they? I think most of the stories that you read are about other people’s live.

3. Movies: Again..these are not scripted based on your life...right? [Now stop claiming that such and such movie had an astounding similarity with your life! Why not love the unpredictability of your own life?]

It is not our fault...we know ourselves too well. So even if you are a very interesting person since you are already aware of your tricks and secrets you are bound to find yourself mundane...

PS: Are you sporting a smug smile on your face because you indulge in none of 1 , 2 or 3?
Well...that is nothing to be happy about! That just makes you a narcissist of the worst kind...take a break from looking into the mirror to look around a bit...interesting things are happening all the time!!!