I can’t. You can’t. Nor can anybody else.
Imagination is not a facility that we were born with.
Before you raise furor over my ludicrous idea I plead you to spend a moment in serious contemplation…
When we imagine we actually put together several ideas…all of which have been previously encountered by us. However the final idea can be unique in its entirety…and this uniqueness leads us to the illusion of imagination. The recipe can be yours…but the ingredients were already there. We can NEVER concoct something that is new in every little detail. Have you ever been able to think of something like that? Or seen somebody else do so? Unlikely and impossible…
Am I refuting to acknowledge the talent of myriad poets and scientists and other accomplished people who have helped us to graduate from the brutality of the caves in the yesteryears to the security of the present day abode?
Not at all.
I am just saying that they are great composers… (My sincerest salute to all of them…)
It’s like mixing colours in a palette…we have a restricted spectrum of colours at our disposal. When we want a new shade we have to mix the already existing colours. When common people mix colours they generate a drab brown…when great people do so they find a delightful violet!
Anyway…so what if we can’t imagine…we can compose!
Also let me know if you can imagine…because that would mean you are none other than GOD Himself and I would really like to meet Him. (No…you don’t have to suggest the obvious way to do that!)